Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Social Network Marketing at Coffee Shops

Here at cool beans we don't just want you to love our coffee we want you to tell as many people about how much you love it too.  So we have now created a contest that gives you an incentive to share how much you love our coffee with everyone you can.  The more people you share it, the more free coffee, pastries, music tickets, ect. you get.  Its a win - win for everyone!  You tell your friends and family and now you both can enjoy the cool beans coffee, atmosphere and music together!  

We believe that our coffee provides what is known as a "viral hook".. What is a viral hook, its something that induces people to share your service, product or idea with others.  We strive to provide the best coffee and if more people knew how good our coffee was, our existing customers could benefit from it.  Through this process we want to build relationships with your friends, family, and co-workers so that our network becomes part of yours.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Here at Cool Beans we know how important you are to us and that's why we do everything in our reach to protect you while relax and enjoy your fresh brewed cup of coffee. We we strive to protect you from, besides the lions, tigers and bears, is identity theft. If paying by debit or credit card, we vow to do our best to keep that precious information under lock and key. It will be stored on our very secured server protected by a 12 layer encryption as well as multiple firewalls.
In the event that a data breach might ever occur, we guarantee to take full responsibility and compensate for any financial loss garnered by the event. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

From Coffee Beans to Cool Beans!

We realize here at Cool Beans that you, our customers, want the very best from us and we do what we can to make sure you're all happy and loving our coffee! It only seems fit for us to tell you all more about our roasting and brewing process. If you guys want to see anything different offered from us feel free to let us know in the comments! If you comment we'll send you a coupon for a complimentary coffee!

It's important for us to take care of our customers as well as the world we live in. First and foremost, at Cool Beans we use coffee beans that are farmed and harvested using sustainable techniques. By doing this we look to broaden your taste buds with flavors form across the globe. While others are still trying to produce more sustainable crops we're proud to say that we're leading the way in the small business world. If you're interested in more information on the work towards sustainable agriculture and why we want to be a part of it check out this article! http://www.eco-business.com/press-releases/entire-food-value-chain-meets-to-discuss-sustainable-agriculture-strategies-for-food-security/

Instead of telling you how we roast our beans, here is a video of our roasting process! We want to give you guys a behind the scenes look at what we do every day to make sure you have the cup of coffee you love.

After Buying our fair trade beans, and roasted them for you we brew and have them brewed fresh daily at your convenience! So now's where you guys come in! What kinds of roasts are your favorite, French, Vienna? Are there any special ways you like your coffee brewed, French press,  or plain old drip? And lastly, are there any kinds of beans you would like to see in our shop, Arabica, Robusta? We'd love to hear your feedback! With your input and assistance you can help us improve our processes and help shape us into the perfect place for you!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Always on the go...

In today's life we live on our phones, we talk, we text, we surf the internet, we play on apps, we pay bills, we listen to music, we post pictures, ect.. Is there anything we don't do on our phones? Well if you want to view our blog on your phone and add it to the list of the million others things you do on your phone then download the blogger app from iTunes and start commenting, surfing and keeping up with the latest cool beans coffee trends..

The Weekend Is Finally Here!

So as you know Cool Beans is transformed from a cozy cafe into an intimate listening room each weekend.  Come over an visit us, starting at 8:00pm we have our one of a kind artists come and perform for our coffee lovers.  So sit back, relax enjoy your freshly roasted coffee or pastry and enjoy the music....

Cool Beans - where you just don't get coffee, you get an atmosphere like home...

Monday, April 23, 2012


With the dreaded Monday coming to an end we here at Cool Beans hope you had enjoyed your morning here with us before jumping into the routine 9-5. And if you didn't join us this morning come stop by now to alleviate the stresses obtained from today. Whether it be a small Cafe Americano or one of our desserts from our evening menu, we're here waiting to serve you. So come by on your way home from work, sit back, relax and we'll take care of the rest. 

Remember, we open an hour early on Mondays, just to help you start the week off strong!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Why is our Coffee Special?

At Cool Beans Coffee we not only look to provide our customers with the tastiest coffee but also help others by brewing fair trade coffee. It's important to us to take care of our customers as well as those who provide us with our coffee. By providing you with this coffee we feel that we can provide not only the most delicious but also the most economically and environmentally friendly cup of coffee.